Tag Archives: H&M

Style Diary//Seamless test shots.

20 Feb

Charlie & Robin/skirt

style diary//Red clover.

3 May

Doc Marten/boots

style diary//Snakey.

26 Apr

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style diary// all class.

25 Jan

My friends come up with the best captions.


“the prettiest amputee”—Andrew

“Modern day scullery maid with a twist of cotton candy!”—Jun

Notice the glass of pink champagne in my hand and a can of beer between my knees. Like I said, all class.

Closet invasion// Andy

4 Nov

Even if you have a small wardrobe, like most boys do, you can still find pieces in your own wardrobe to style with.  I find that the smaller your closet is, the more creative you can get.

**I apologize once again for the poor camera work, yes I dropped my camera way too many times…

Item 1// The Kooples knit blazer
Styling concerns: A black blazer tends to lean towards the formal side.  Andy wants to be able to wear on a more casual level.

  1. High collar—My number one overlooked issue, if you’re wearing it buttoned all the way up, make sure your collar isn’t awkwardly showing.
  2. Material—Knits form to the body more than an actual wool/polyester blazer would.  Be aware of how that fits on your body.  Treat this as a layering piece and not a jacket.
  3. Color —Black and white may scream formal, but trust the fact that the knit will make it more casual.
Look // casual blazer.
  • white button up/Uniqlo
    • You can wear just about any neutral color here.  You can wear black and jeans with just about any color you want.
    • I chose a button up to mimic the high color.  You want the length of the shirt to be near the same length of the “cardigan.”
    • This black blazer isn’t very structured when buttoned.  I recommend it worn open like a cardigan, especially with Andy’s extremely wide shoulders.  Buttoning it creates an overly feminine shape.
  • jeans/Uniqlo
Item 2// H&M color block cardigan
Styling concerns: How do I wear this without looking like I’m hitting the golf course?
  1. Bold color—Bold contrasting stripes and a perforated body can easily be more WASP-y than just sporty.  Avoid matching colors and any plaid patterns.  Button-ups too unless you’re really brave.
  2. Deep-V neck—I guess V-necks can be an issue.  The thing to remember about cardigans like this is creating a visual flow with the neckline.  A crew neck t-shirt underneath will create an awkward shape that cuts off the long slimming effect of the V-neck cardigan.  Stick with a similar V shape or a scoop neck.
Look // modern sport.
  • sheer white t-shirt/Urban Outfitters
    • This is the only V-neck t-shirt Andy has.  Ideally it would be a solid plain white tee.  Boys, take note!  You should always have a couple of plain white tees, at least 1 crew neck and 1 V-neck.  You can get a pack of 3 at Kmart or Target for $10.  Do designate some as “undershirts” and others as shirts you wear out.  Otherwise, it might not be pretty.
Item 3// Intermezzo white plaid scarf
Styling concerns: Does this look weird with white or black?
  1. Color palette—I know the sight of more than one color can be daunting. Avoid the colors that would clash with the red and you should be fine.
  2. Pattern—This is an eye-catching pattern.  Let it stand out with a more neutral ensemble.

Item 4// black wool felt newsboy cap
Styling concerns: Too much hair for a hat?
  1. Bulky—Thick hair can be problematic; you’ll know it fits right if you can take it off easily, and it doesn’t cover your eyes.  If it looks like you’re hiding things in your hat (if you’re not) then it’s fine.
  2. Douche-y—You want to avoid this at all cost.  It’s a skip and a hop away from Andre’s hats in the league.  Think actual newsboy…old school and more vintage like Ryan Gosling in The Notebook.

Look // street casual.

  • black space invaders sweater/H&M
    • A black sweater is the perfect cold weather backdrop to a snowy white scarf.  Don’t pick a sweater that’s too bulky or it will overpower the fine quality of the scarf.
  • jean button up/vintage Boss
    • I picked this shirt to make this look even more playful.  The dark washed denim button up  peaking over the sweater adds another color dimension so the ensemble doesn’t look too flat.
  • The key here is to balance everything.  The plaid helps keep the the hat from looking like it’s trying to hard.  The shirt keeps the scarf from looking to formal.  The the black sweater keeps the body of the look neutral.
Item 4// Sirce Z Fasso single feather earring
Styling concerns: How do I wear this without calling unnecessary attention to the fact that it’s a feather earring?
  1. Girly—Yes, it’s a feather earring.  Yes, it’s kind of feminine.  Don’t let that discourage you from owning it.  If you have the right confidence, you can definitely wear it.  Tough it up a little with more masculine pieces (we went with leather jacket).
  2. Boldness—A feather can be a little loud, and a little too flamboyant for your taste.  Make it blend into your outfit instead of showing it off.  Pick patterns that can rival it like this large checkered button-up from Zara.